


我们共同携手,为士班丹拿约克堡选区的居民做了很多实事,我们应该为此感到骄傲。许多朋友鼓励我竞选多伦多第20 区市议员,以建造市中心交通舒缓线和湖滨捷运线;修改居民楼条例以确保电梯的正常运作;建造唐人街牌楼以传承中华文化,创造市中心旅游热点;让更多市民住得起房,以及其他更多工作。我很高兴地采纳了大家的建议,注册成为第二十区市议员候选人。



我苦思良久,最终做出了这个艰难的决定:我将退出今年市议员的竞选。我拒绝参与福特的可耻游戏。但是,我仍然会支持与我有着上述同样理念而继续参选的候选人。 我也希望大家能加入我,帮助最有能力的候选人当选,在市议会为我们自己发声。

在这里,我再次诚挚感谢大家的一路厚爱。 作为安省自由党人,我们政党的振兴以及2022年的东山再起,不容惰怠。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。



Dear friends,

I want to thank you for your support and advice over the years.

Together, we have accomplished a lot for the residents of Spadina-Fort York, and we should all be very proud. Many of you encouraged me to run for Toronto city council in ward 20, to continue our work building the down-town relief line and waterfront light rail transit; amending building code to ensure all new buildings will have adequate elevator capacity; building a Chinatown gate to preserve and enhance this downtown attraction; building more affordable housing in Toronto and much more. I gladly took your advice and registered to run for city councillor in Ward 20.

Unfortunately, Doug Ford chose to place personal vendetta ahead of Ontario’s priorities: transit, housing, climate change, school repairs and jobs are all less important to Doug Ford than interfering in Toronto’s municipal election in the middle of the campaign.

I am profoundly disappointed as I watch the events unfold. As a first generation immigrant, I often cherish the fair and just system we enjoy, which offers everyone equal opportunities to succeed in Canada. Never in my worst nightmare, could I dream that rule-of-law and freedom to democratic rights would be so bluntly violated.

I thought long and hard and have come to a very difficult decision. I will not be participating in this year’s municipal election. I refuse to play in this shameful arena set by Mr. Ford. However, I will be working hard to support candidates who share the same priorities I listed above. I hope you will join me in helping to get the most capablepeople elected to represent our city in the council chamber.

Again, I sincerely thank you for your ongoing support. As Ontario Liberals, we have much work ahead of us to rebuild our party and take back Spadina-Fort York in 2022.

Yours truly,

Han Dong

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